As with their daughter that married last summer, I decided to tackle making Amanda's wedding album. Her colors are peach and tiffany blue. The bridesmaides dresses will be in the blue and the wedding will be outside. Therefore so as not to overshadow the blue of the sky and the dresses I chose a light peach colored paper called 'Taffy' in Close to My Heart terms. I was shocked to discover hints of this peach color in the center of the flowers within the My Reflections kit "Bliss". Taffy has always been a hard color to use, but WOW this came out beautiful! I cannot wait to see the pictures with the white dress, the blue dresses, the green of the grass and the deep browns of the huge fir trees at the Rice Museum.
Of course I panicked and sent an immediate email to Amanda's sister when I received her olive green invitation. Ashley assured me that her colors had not changed. Thankfully the green of the invitation still looks great on this paper! I cut the page protector so that they can still open the invitation. This is the first page of the album.
The next page is for engagement pictures or just nice casual pictures of bride and groom.
Then comes the beautiful bride and her bridesmades. I was so lucky with this paper pack and it's coordiating My stickease. This album went together so much easier than her sister's did last year!
Next comes the Groom and his groomsmen. Even peach can look masculine!
A page of pictures of bride and groom, rings, cake or flowers.
The next pages are for the brides family.
Then the groom's family.
Pictures of the entire wedding party.
The ceremony.
The reception.
More reception.
More reception. I expect pictures of tossing of the bouquet and the garder somewhere on these pages.
Then the happy couple heads off to begin their journey together and I hope live "Happily Ever After".
Here is the card I made to give with a gift card and the album.
I was happy that she was excited to get it. She knew after last year's gift to her sister that this was what she would get. Not much of a suprise for our favorite piano teacher, but I hope she gets many years of enjoyment from it.
Products used include:
Bliss Workshop on the Go Kit -G1020
Bliss Level 1 - X7132A
Bliss My Stickease - X7132C
Bliss Level 2 Assortment - Z1355
Opaques Mocha - Z1333
Opaques Licorice - Z1335
Opaques Pearl - Z1336
Designer Brads - Z1349
Wooden Buttons - Z1387
Chocolate Ink, Grey Wool Ink, chocolate and colonial white ribbon were also used.
Bliss will retire July 31st. If you want it and instructions on how to make your own fabulous wedding album, please email me at or check it all out on my website at
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